Tuesday, January 27, 2009

SKETCH BOOK assignment 1


Photography is all about light. To make a successful image, exposure and light must work for you. This assignment is about thinking about light.

I want you to pick a place. it can be outdoors or indoors (the catch is that it MUST have outside light influencing the space in some way if it is inside). this place should be somewhere that you would enjoy spending some time. It may be a place you would consider photographing, but it doesn't have to be. you may discover things about this place that you would want to photograph as you do this assignment. that is totally acceptable.

once you have place, i want you to spend some time there. ideally you may want to spend the entire day in this space, or if you have to break up the times that you are there, go back at different times. Study what the light is doing while you are there. when is the light the most appealing to you? Why? When does the light make you most want to spend time there? When does it least make you want to spend time there? Why? Pay attention to the quality of the light: when is it brightest? which direction? how does direction affect the light in that space? How does the temperature of the light change throughout the day? When is it cold (more blue)? when is it warm (more yellow or orange)? What do you notice about the shadows? the colors? the areas of white if any?

Keep a log as you do this assignment and answer the above questions. write about the light and the changes you notice as you spend time there. This can be as long as you want it to be, but i should see at least a page of notes in your sketchbook after you are finished. DON'T take your camera with you! This is about studying a place and spending time there. The photographs will come later.

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