Friday, April 24, 2009

Fancy Filters, Portrait corrections, and such Photoshop fun

here are the notes for last week's photoshop lesson and this weeks! You may find things on here that we haven't talked about in class so check them out!!

also i'm including the repair image so that you can follow the directions and try working on a heavy repair.....if you turn this in to me at the end of our work day, i'll happily give you some extra credit.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Filter's Assignment

Tuesday Due Date: End of May 5th Class
Friday Due Date: End of May 8th Class

1. choose one color photo from any of your contact sheets for this class
2. open that image in photoshop and using image>image size, change the resolution to 72 and make it around 2 inches x 2 inches in height and then color correct it.
3. create a new document in photoshop that is 8.5x11 with a resolution of 72 (file>new)
4. make sure you are on the move tool (top of your tool bar) and click on your small picture and drag it into your new document in the top letf hand corner. note that this will have created a new layer in photoshop (if your layers pallate isn't up, open it through window>layers)
5. make sure that the layer you just created is active (it should be blue), then run a filter on that image
6. click on the text tool (the big t in the tool bar) and directly beneath the photo, type the name of the filter. again you will notice that photoshop has created a new layer.
7. repeat these steps until you have run all the filters in photoshop...essentially you are creating a set of contact sheets for the filters
8. make sure that after every 3 or 4 images you add that you flatten your image (layer>flatten image) so that you don't wind up with 60 or 70 layers

black and white conversion

color correction

healing tools

selection tools

Monday, April 13, 2009


hi everyone,

i am emailing this to all of you as well, but just incase you miss it, class tomorrow nite has been cancelled. Something has come up tomorrow that I can't avoid missing class for. I apologize for that. we will get caught up in no time, next week.

because of this change, i'm giving you an assignment for the week. I want you to go to the tucson museum of art and take in the trouble in paradise show. I want you to write do a brief writing for me that you will hand in next tuesday nite. I want you to talk to me about the overall theme of the show. Tell me what it is about. Then i want you talk about the photography in the show and tell me how you think those works fit in with the others to demonstrate this theme. Then pick a photographic work and tell me what you liked or disliked about it. This should just be a couple paragraphs.

Tucson Museum of Art

140 North Main Avenue
Tucson, Arizona 85701

Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Closed Monday and major holidays
$3 students (make sure you have your pima id or at least tell them you are a pima student!)

Friday, April 10, 2009

cool digital exposure wheel

if you want an interesting exposure wheel to refer to, check this one out can set it by lighting condition and according to your ISO...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

EQUISS Social Justice Retreat (sign up today!)

Hi folks,

if you have interest in social justice issues (privilege, opression, race, class, sex, lbgt, identity issues etc...) and want to meet new people and learn a ton, you should check this out....the u. does provide scholarships so if you apply by the 10th you have a shot at it....i've been and want to go's wonderful...but don't take my word for it....find out! *smiles*

Equiss: A Social Justice Experience
The University of Arizona
May 22-24, 2009

Equiss is a 3-day social justice retreat from May 22-24, 2009 for college
students from across the nation who want to understand systems of oppression,
privilege, identity development, and take action to create a more fair and just
world. Equiss is offered through The University of Arizona to educate students
on how to positively and effectively address issues of injustice, inequity, and
inequality on campus and in the broader context of American society.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: April 17, 2009, Cost $175 (includes room and board during
the retreat)
Scholarship Application Deadline: April 10, 2009
To register for Equiss or for more info please visit:

Overview of Equiss:

Day 1: Who are we? The first day of Equiss is designed to help participants
explore their personal identities and share them with the group in order to
develop a sense of self and group purpose.

Day 2 Morning and Afternoon: What are social justice issues? During the morning
of the second day of Equiss, participants are challenged through a variety of
activities, to understand and analyze systems of oppression. This learning will
occur through simulations, discussion, strategic planning, teambuilding, and the
P2O: Power, Privilege, and Oppression activity for participants to personally
evaluate how systems of oppression and privilege have impacted their lives.

Day 2 Evening: How can we celebrate our identities? After a morning and
afternoon of intensive experiences and discussions on privilege and oppression,
the retreat shifts to focus on empowerment and celebration of others. Much of
the focus of this aspect of the retreat will be in identity groups.

Day 3 Morning: How can we take action on a larger level? The morning of Day 3
focuses on how to not only break down systems of oppression, but how to rebuild
systems in a more fair and equitable way. Participants will be challenged to
view the world in a different, more hopeful manner by envisioning strategies
for positive change.

Day 3 Evening: How can we take action individually? The last part of the
retreat is designed for participants to be able to understand how their own
actions perpetuate or confront social injustice and ways to implement socially
just behavior into everyday actions.

For additional information about Equiss, please contact Dr. Corey Seemiller at or Jennifer Hoefle at