Monday, April 20, 2009

Filter's Assignment

Tuesday Due Date: End of May 5th Class
Friday Due Date: End of May 8th Class

1. choose one color photo from any of your contact sheets for this class
2. open that image in photoshop and using image>image size, change the resolution to 72 and make it around 2 inches x 2 inches in height and then color correct it.
3. create a new document in photoshop that is 8.5x11 with a resolution of 72 (file>new)
4. make sure you are on the move tool (top of your tool bar) and click on your small picture and drag it into your new document in the top letf hand corner. note that this will have created a new layer in photoshop (if your layers pallate isn't up, open it through window>layers)
5. make sure that the layer you just created is active (it should be blue), then run a filter on that image
6. click on the text tool (the big t in the tool bar) and directly beneath the photo, type the name of the filter. again you will notice that photoshop has created a new layer.
7. repeat these steps until you have run all the filters in photoshop...essentially you are creating a set of contact sheets for the filters
8. make sure that after every 3 or 4 images you add that you flatten your image (layer>flatten image) so that you don't wind up with 60 or 70 layers

1 comment:

cdosoccer13 said...

...are we to turn in a .psd or a printed hardcopy set of contact sheets?