Monday, March 23, 2009

calendar changes! IMPORTANT!

hi everybody...i'm really sorry that your new assigment wasn't posted over spring break...i had connection problems all break.....and because of that i'm bumping back your next two crits to make up for the time that you lost to work on this assigment. Please note that your final portfolio dates CANNOT change.

I am also going to post your 3rd, 4th and portfolio assigment so that you will know what you will be doing for the rest of the semster in terms of big projects so that you can plan ahead for the best way to use your time.

I have worked out two saturdays for work time so that those of you who need extra help or who need computer time can have a little extra. attandence at these isn't manditory, but i strongly suggest that you come if you need help. I will stay for at least two hours and i'm willing to be flexible if folks need longer (within reason). Please try and get there as early into the set hours as possible. This is for both classes. Also please note that this is not going to be an opportunity to print. If you need touch up or idea help or if you need help with uploading to an outsource printer, please come. If you have general photoshop questions or need help in that way, please come. You will be able to work on and print contact sheets and any daily assignments that i may have given you.

April 4th from 3-5 pm in our classroom
April 25th from 3-5 pm in our classroom

TUESDAY CLASS: Critique 3 April 7, Critique 4 April 28
FRIDAY CLASS: Critique 3 April 11, Critque 4 May 1

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