Tuesday, March 24, 2009

a photoshop assignment

you will be using the photo attached to this blog entry. this isn't a print out assignment. i want you to email it to me or just save it to a disk and give it to me in class. the size of your document will determine if you are able to email it or not. either is fine.

Here are a list of things that i want you to do to this photo. Make a different layer for each thing that you do and make sure that you have bottom layer as the original image. it doesn't matter what order you do these or how visible they are from your top layer. i will look at your individual layers to see what you did. This is also not an exact science sort of assignment. i just want to see that you are using the tools and thinking about how they function in photoshop. It doesn't have to be pretty.

1. make a duplicate of the original photo
2. rotate the image.
3. change the image resolution to 300 dpi
4. touch up the photograph. it's a fairly well balanced photo already, but it can use tweaking. Make at least 3 adjustments to this photo. each of these should be in separate adjustment layers.
5. crop the image
6. use a selection tool and cut out part of the image (again this doesn't have to be pretty)
7. save your changes as yourname.psd
8. email it or burn it on a cd

you have two weeks to complete this assignment.

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