Monday, March 23, 2009

Final Portfolio (see calendar for due dates)

Final Portfolio Requirements

Critique starts promptly please be on time. I will NOT accept any late work for this assigment and that includes folks showing up an hour or more late to final critique. You wouldn't be late to a final exam in another class, it works the same for this assignment.

JUST AS A REMINDER The following is from the syllabus you received at the beginning of the semester:

There will be 4 assignments during the semester, the class will critique each assignment, and each assignment will be worth 10% of your grade. You will also produce a final portfolio of work – made up of both images from assignments and additional work – that will be critiqued by the class and will be worth 40% of your grade. There will be handouts giving specific information on each assignment and the final portfolio. The final 20% of your grade is a combination of a class assignments, class attendance and class participation.

All work must be done by the student during the course of the semester, and may not be used for another class. For an assignment to be on time and complete, prints must be shown at critique and the digital files and contact sheets submitted on the due date. Late and incomplete work will receive a grade penalty. Each assignment will require a specific number of images, turning in fewer images will receive a grade penalty. Absolutely no work will be accepted after the start of the final critique.

Regular attendance is required. Poor attendance will impact your grade, and more importantly, your learning. More than three unexcused absences may result in termination from the class. Attendance and participation at every critique is required; it is the only direct method of feedback on your work and progress. The final critique is the final exam and therefore attendance is mandatory.

In the big leagues a portfolio is a coherent body of work, consistent in technique, aesthetics content and concept. Some of you may want to attempt this, but it is not a requirement or expectation of a Digital Photo 1 portfolio.

Your final portfolio should contain 10 to 15 finished images – your best work of the semester. YOU must have at least 3 IMAGES THAT ARE NOT FROM THE PREVIOUS PROJECTS. The rest of the images images may – or may not – be from assignments, whatever is best. If you want to present something to the class that is completely new, that would be great! Print quality of each image must be at the quality level expected at the completion of the course, so images from assignments will almost certainly require reprinting. Images you were not allowed to crop or modify earlier may now be manipulated in any way to make the most effective image. You will present at the final critique in two forms:

1) You will present to the class a full set of excellent quality prints, of approximately 8.5x11 inch size or larger. Inkjet prints from a home computer may be acceptable if careful use of paper choice and output settings produces expected quality. The prints need not be mounted or matted, but your presentation should reflect your pride in your work. If you are not going to matte or mount, think of a way of presenting the work that feels finished rather than just tacking them up on the wall….i would encourage you to think about creating your portfolio in the way that you might want them to be in a show or that you might present them for gallery consideration…..You’ll take these prints home after critique so you don’t have to worry about leaving them with me.

2) I would like for you to turn in contact sheets for any NEW works and a disk of the images that you are turning in for portfolio…the discs are for me to keep.

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